Endorsed by Volleyball Victoria
SERVA (South East Region Volleyball Academy) offer a professional learning environment with the aim of providing a healthy and energetic after school activity for male and female school aged children. SERVA is committed to providing players, of all ages in the South East Region, the opportunity to participate, learn and enhance skills to the best of their ability.
SERVA aims to act as a positive pathway to club, state and national programs for Volleyball League.

Volleyball Victoria is the peak body for volleyball in the state and the only entity authorised by VA, which in turn is recognised by the Australian Sports Commission and FIVB (International Federation of Volleyball) to manage the sport of volleyball in Australia. Further,
VV is recognised by the State Government as the State Sporting Association for volleyball in Victoria. Volleyball Victoria’s recognition incorporates both disciplines of volleyball, beach and indoor, and members deriving from either discipline share equal rights, benefits, and privileges.
2018 Australian Volleyball Schools' Cup
This event is the largest school-based sporting event in the Southern Hemisphere, attracting teams from across Australia, plus international teams. The event is the responsibility of Volleyball Australia and is organised by the Australian Volleyball Schools’ Cup Event Commission.
This event has seen tremendous growth since its inception and in 2017 saw 526 teams from 135 schools from across Australia and New Zealand. This unique event has delivered almost all of the national players (beach and indoor) for the last 3 decades and will continue to see the next generation of national, international and potentially Olympic athletes.
The AVSC is the marquee junior participation event in the national events portfolio, bringing together hundreds of secondary school teams annually in December, enjoying an introduction to volleyball, camaraderie and enthusiastic competition amongst the nation's school community for the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup.